COVID-19’s Media Crisis and the Passing Loss of Care for the Elderly in China

China: los castigos que impone Shanghái a los hijos que no visitan a sus padres ancianos - BBC News Mundo

This chapter addresses repercussions of COVID-19 for our next stakeholder group: the elderly. As outlined above, the elder citizens suffered in a particular manner, as their social interactions were severely limited due to the higher probability of the virus affecting them instead of younger children. The authors identify yet another crisis related to COVID-19: They critically review a media crisis and simultaneously link their considerations to an in-depth understanding of the national culture in China. The authors argue that it is essential to not deal with COVID-19 without a proper understanding of the cultural context that enables and impedes solutions, contingent upon whether one has fully acknowledged and truly comprehended the cultural context.

Medina, E., Pacanowski, T., Medina, P. (2022). COVID-19’s Media Crisis and the Passing Loss of Care for the Elderly in China. In: Amann, W., Stachowicz-Stanusch, A., Tripathi, S.K., Khan, S., von Kimakowitz, E. (eds) Humanistic Crisis Management. Humanism in Business Series. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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